Coaching teenagers and young adults

Coaching teenagers and young adults
Coaching teenagers and young adults

By helping teens and young adults thrive through a multi-influence approach, this type of coaching addresses the challenges of adolescence, a time of constant change that can be quickly overwhelming.

My role

To accompany you on a journey to help you find your own resources and thus develop your autonomy to become the author of your life.

Among the proposed topics
  • Gaining motivation : The image of a demotivated teenager is omnipresent in the minds of adults, whereas it is often not the total absence of motivation in many teenagers, but the lack of desire to do things that are not important to them. It is then necessary to find the sources of motivation in order to create a climate conducive to the realization of goals and projects.
  • Developing self-confidence: the period of adolescence involves the reconstruction of identity and fairly rapid physiological transformations (self-image). According to studies, one out of two teenagers has no self-confidence. In-depth work on self-perception (beliefs) and strengths helps to increase confidence and self-esteem.
  • Managing stress and bouncing-back: life is made up of ups and downs. Humans experience pleasant moments and feelings as well as unpleasant or even stressful situations and emotions. Therefore, it is never too early to get to know the tools and strategies to keep calm and bounce back after a failure, a disappointment, an upheaval, etc.
  • Discovering oneself: The identity of a human being is very complex. Multiple factors such as our needs, values, experiences, interactions, biology, etc. define who we are. Self-knowledge allows you to make the right decisions and to (re)take control of your life.
  • Identify your professional future In a world where choices and possibilities are becoming more and more numerous, which is governed by perpetual uncertainty and instability, and in which you have to find your own place, it is important to be able to follow your dreams or find a fulfilling profession.
  • Cultivate positive relationships (with parents, peers, teachers, etc.): Making and maintaining connections with the people around us is not always easy when we feel overwhelmed by our unpleasant feelings such as anger, frustration, disappointment, disgust, etc. The good news? There are ingredients to create positive relationships.

Themes can be customized according to the goals of each client.

Schedule for teenagers and young adults coaching
  • First contact: exchanges around expectations and identification of the request / coaching theme (by telephone or internet, free of charge)
  • First session: discovery interview which allows us to get to know each other, to clarify the objective and to define the framework of the coaching. This takes place either between the coach and the teenager, or in tripartite form, i.e. between the coach, the teenager and his or her parents (in the case of minors and at the parents’ request)
  • Course of the sessions: several individual coaching sessions of 1 to 1.5 hours with the coach for a set period of time according to a timetable. Between sessions, exercises are suggested that allow the client to get closer to his/her goal.
  • Closing session: evaluation of the progress and achievement of the goal to identify future perspectives. If the coaching is part of a tripartite agreement with the parents, they are present during this last session.

60 – 75 minutes session

Discounted rate: 80 €

6 sessions package (available 6 months)

Discounted rate*: 420 €

*Less than 25yo, student, unemployed

This coaching type in three words: motivating – exploratory – playful

Larissa Kalisch is part of the Generation 15-25 network, a network of coaches who want to enable the younger generation (high school students, college graduates and any other young person between 15 and 25 years old) to develop their talents and their ability to adapt to increasingly rapid and complex changes.

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