

Lectures, a way to raise awareness among a large audience

The conferences that I propose aim to sensitize a wider public by presenting knowledge on a theme and by proposing a time for exchange and questions. All topics are approached from a positive psychology perspective.

Several conference themes are available:

  • Positive psychology related to sports: how and why to apply it?
  • Positive psychology and the Holocaust: my history
  • The ethical and psychological stakes of advances in genetics: the state of play
  • Towards a positive education? Introduction to key concepts
  • How to motivate young learners?

In addition to physical fitness and athletic perfection, mental training BEFORE, DURING and AFTER a competition is an important component of high performance athletes. It is about identifying one’s own attitude and mental barriers such as high expectations, fear of failure, lack of emotional control and attention, and overcoming them through exercises. The increase of psychological well-being as well as relaxation, a central concept of positive psychology, should not be neglected. On the contrary, current research results clearly show how much performance and general health can be influenced by personal well-being.

This conference offers an overview of the most important concepts of positive psychology and their application in the field of sports. The following topics can be discussed: motivation, passion, strengths, optimism, mindfulness, self-image, etc.


Holocaust survivors are becoming increasingly rare. It is all the more important to pass their stories down through the generations so that such cruelty never happens again. My grandfather was an extremely strong, resilient person and an inspiration to many.

This conference offers anecdotes of the life of a concentration camp survivor from a positive psychology perspective by touching on the following topics: the meaning of life, optimism, resilience, gratitude.


Research in medicine, and in particular in genetics, is advancing with great speed. Today, the decoding of the entire human genome is possible. Prenatal and pre-symptomatic screening (before the appearance of the first symptoms) are becoming more and more common. The stakes are multiple:

*Soon, the “dream” child can be conceived in the lab, but where are the ethical limits? Does natural selection disappear?
*The feeling of guilt that a parent might have of transmitting the disease to his child?
*After the announcement of a progressive genetic disease, how to readjust one’s professional and family life knowing that the health condition will deteriorate?
This conference offers an overview of the advances in genetics and highlights the psychological and ethical issues. It would be too ambitious to try to answer these existential questions but this conference opens the field of reflection.


Authoritarian or punitive education was in the 20th century. Today, we know that the carrot and stick strategy is not very effective. Learning to read, write, and do science to become an efficient citizen was yesterday. In our unstable, uncertain, globalized world, these academic skills are no longer enough. Positive education integrates the development of “soft-skills” in the education of children.

This conference provides an introduction to the key concepts of positive psychology applied to the context of education and parenting.


Whether it’s a lack of motivation at school or simply a lack of energy in everyday life, teens all experience some moments of apathy or unpleasant mood. For parties, celebrations, social networking–anything that provides immediate but often fleeting pleasure–they often find motivation. As a parent or teacher, we all wish we had a magic formula to spark some enthusiasm in these young people who may seem lazy.

The secret to motivation? To have the teenager gain something that interests them, that they can use, or that has a broader meaning.

This conference provides an overview of the major theories of motivation and their application in the context of learning.

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