About me

  • Holistic Life, Career & Executive Coach Training, Goal Imagery Institute (2021/2022)
  • Interuniversity Degree (DIU), in “Genetic diseases – a transdisciplinary approach”, University of Paris (2020) 􏰂
  • Wingwave coach® training, Paris (July 2020)
  • Master (MSc) International in Applied Positive Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK (2017/ 2018)
  • Master in Health Psychology, University Paris Descartes (2017/2018)
  • Bachelor in Psychology (BSc), University of Fribourg (2015)
  • Psychologist and trainer in health psychology, positive psychologie and positive education – coaching for teenagers, young adults, career change, well-being, self-confidence, etc., Paris / online (since 2019)
  • Part-time teacher at Centre Pierre Janet (University of Lorraine) & Master in Health Psychology , Paris Descartes (since 2019)
  • Trainer and positive psychologist at Positran – Psychology of Transformation (since 2018)
  • Research assistant, SwissSkills (2018 – 2020)
  • Research assistant – Research Institute SwissEducation de Emerita Prof. and Dir. M. STAMM & Dr. F. TEMPLER – University of Education Bern (2013 – 2016)
  • Figure skating trainer (2010-2012)
  • Trainee in positive psychology, Positran, Epône, France (2017/18)
  • Research trainee in psycho-oncology and oncogenetics, Institut Curie Paris (2016/17)
  • Research traineein General Psychology, Veronica Brandstätter-Morawietz (2012)
  • Trainee supervising tutor Elementary School Maria Montessori, Zurich (2011)

My dual role as “psychologist” and “coach” as well as my thirst for learning allow me to adopt a multi-influential/integrative approach during my coaching, based on the scientific foundations and tools in …

  • Positive psychology,
  • Positive education,
  • Life coaching,
  • Mental sports training,
  • Health psychology

and neurosciences.

Like any coaching professional, I have a toolbox that I am constantly adding to and using whenever appropriate. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the first tool remains my own posture as a facilitator; in other words, my knowledge and my know-how. I am very grateful for the fact that my daily work is aligned with my most pronounced strengths and therefore allows me to thrive.

Therefore, you can expect that I will be…:

  • Enthusiastic : I am (almost) always in a good mood, dynamic, passionate about the well-being and personal development of everyone.
  • Caring: I know how to adapt to the various situations proposed with calm and generosity.
  • Creative : Using my imagination and my playfulness, I help people to express themselves and find their way.
  • Perceptive : It is important for me to get to the heart of things with subtlety in order to understand the true motivations, feelings and needs of people.
  • Efficient : I never waste time to get something started and I achieve my goals with the help of my ability to undertake, plan and structure…

…coach and psychologist (reseacher and trainer).